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Sunday, May 22, 2011

Getting There...

So....I am currently sitting in the Heineken Lounge in the Newark International airport, drinking none other than a Heineken and writing this post.

Yesterday, Moriah and I drove to Chicago and stayed the night as a final farewell/birthday celebration thinga-ma-bob. We decided to check out the Navy Pier, and also took a city by night architecture tour which was fantastic. I got some pretty sweet shots, the one here is probably my favorite.

Today I left O'Hare at 10 am and arrived in New York at La Guardia airport at 1pm eastern time. That was a pretty sketchy airport. Then I tried to take a transport bus to the Newark International airport, but instead the person selling tickets sold me a JFK ticket and I didn't notice because the bus was about to leave and I ran for it. So then I had to take that shuttle to the Newark airport. I ended up getting there around 5 so I spent about 4 hours on a bus this afternoon cruising the beautiful streets of New York. It ended up being a pretty cool mistake because for 15$ more that what it should have cost me I basically got a tour of New York. The bus ended up stopping at popular locations such as Grand Central Location and I got some pretty sweet views of the skyline minus the fogginess.

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